Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yay! Awards!! Who knew?

So I am excited!  I just received another blog award!  Woo hoo!  WOO HOO!  Is there a blog Golden Globe ceremony?  If so, I might need a dress.

My acceptance speech will go something like this:

Eh hem... Thank you all for coming to this fine award ceremony today!  I'd like to thank Jessie and also Missy, who were both kind enough to offer me these awards; my husband, for not being mad when I talk about him on my blog; and my kids for giving me plenty of stuff to write about.  I would not like to thank my sisters and their annoying spouses, because they make fun of my blog whenever they can.  I've thought a lot about what it means to be worthy of blog awards such as these, and I am proud to say that... Wait, what?  I'm not supposed to give a speech?  Hmph.  Well nobody told me that.  I was on a roll.

Anyway, these are the awards in all of their glory:

from Jessie
From Jessie
From Jessie and Missy

So I am not really sure if I am doing this right, but I am trying, so don't make fun of me if I mess up.

Rules for Accepting:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.

  THANK YOU Jessie!!!  Be sure to check out Jessie's awesome blog and adorable little kids at My Life on Haber WayThank you Missy!!  Please also take a moment to check out Missy's Blog, FibromyWHAT?

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

Oh man... 7 things about me... hmmm...

(1)  I was a teen-aged statistic, I had my first daughter at 19 and was a single mom for 7 years. 
(2)  I love being a SAHM (which incidentally when spellchecking, tries to change the word to sham), but I often get a lot of crap for it.
(3)  Sometimes I think about going back to college.
(4)  Sometimes I think about having just one more baby.
(5)  I have terrible wanderlust and feel like I need change to be happy.
(6)  I love my neighborhood.
(7)  I hate asking for help.  I like to think I can do everything by myself.

3. Award 7 other bloggers the award.

Oh Yikes.  There are so many blogs that I like and read every day...  so here are a random smattering of seven blogs on my blogroll in no particular order:

 (1) Denton Sanatorium
 (2) Just Plain Tired
 (3) Raising Colorado
 (4) If You Give a Mom a Moment
 (5) The LG Report
 (6) Pulsipher Predilections
 (7) Off on My Tangent

4. Contact those bloggers and let them know about the award 
OK then,  I will make it my mission to notify the awardees at some point this week if you take a sec to head over to their blogs and check them out.
best font size


  1. Congrats on the award(s). And I see I'm listed as a contactee to be. You obviously have great taste, and stuff. ;) This blogging stuff is quite a hoot, isn't it?

  2. Jess,

    This really pisses me off, I was just about to link to your blog in my post and came over to see your latest and saw that you had beaten me to the punch by linking to mine (really, I swear, I was, and am, going to link, you'll see why). Anyway, thanks much for the pub, always good to get some. Keep up the great work and get more photos of Alex in there, he's very entertaining to look at! :)
