Thursday, October 7, 2010

OMG This took me ALL day!

I am happy to report that I have finally made some updates to my blog!


Whoa.  As simple and fail proof as the tutorials that I followed were, it took me ALL DAY (well, every last bit of 6 hours and 36 minutes) to accomplish just a couple of neat changes.  I still have a few things to tweak here and there, but overall I am pretty happy with the results!

If you have any interest in making some changes to your blog, check out the totally awesome blogger tutorials on and

Those sites totally rock and definitely made me feel all html-ish and computer savvy-ish.

best font size


  1. those are EXACTLY the sites I used to do my blog and create fun things!
    Your blog is so cute and pretty impressive :)

  2. lLve those sites Kari! THANKS for keeping up with the blog... now I will have to go check yours out! :)

  3. I love the new header AND the new blog layout!

  4. Thank you Jenny! It took a while, but I am happy with it! :)
