Monday, October 25, 2010

Her forehead looks like a baby's ass.

*Reposted with my sister's permission because she was mad at me when I first posted it and said that if she were gay it would be like yanking her out of the closet without her consent.  I formally apologized.  And I solemnly swear that I will never yank her out of the closet without her consent again.  Because I don't want her to be mad at me, and also because she says a lot of funny things and has a lot of cool experiences and they are definitely worth sharing with the whole wide world.  With her permission of course.

My sister just got Botox in her forehead. 

She was so excited she called me up and said, "My forehead is as smooth as a baby's ass!"  She also said she is positive she looks 19.  Not a day over 20.  She also said she got looked at by a guy and he randomly told her he loved her as she was getting into her car after the botox.  Kind of like a cat call, which is very exciting for a 40+ year-old.  She knows it is because she looks so 19 now.

I'm JEALOUS.  I want a baby's ass forehead.  I want to get looked at with a cat call.  I think I mentioned my stupid forehead wrinkles the other day.  My sister is so lucky.  She just got fraxel on her face too and will have nice face skin to go with her smooth ass-head.  I actually thought her face skin and forehead was nice before, but I have to admit it looks very healthy and fresh lately.

I want get fraxel and botox!  That's what I am going to do because I hate my ugly wrinkles.  I have the fattest pockets after the holidays, so I am going to try to make that happen in January!   I will keep you posted.

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ps   Check out this amazing givewaway of Life. Camera. Actions. on Simple As That!


  1. Well, as a guy I guess we don't worry about those things much. Especially when you get to my age. ;)

  2. Well, guys are definitely lucky like that! You know, guys look distinguished, and ladies just look old. Boo to that, I say.
