Friday, October 15, 2010

I know that I am highly suggestible

Ugh.  I never want to buy my kid a Happy Meal again.  

And I typically ONLY buy apple dippers instead of fries and milk or milk shakes instead of soda.  That was the way that I justified that Happy Meals were healthy "enough" for my kids every so often.  I mean, if it happens to be dinner time and we are driving by a McDonalds, I will often cave if my kids beg.  The thought of not having to make dinner is usually what seals the deal.  We don't live in a town with a McD's though, so it's not like we are driving past one every day, or even every week.

So I just saw this disgusting thing on the news about a lady who bought a Happy Meal, and then photographed the burger and fries from it every day for six months.  Like an experiment to see how it decomposed or something.  And it didn't.  Decompose that is.  Which is what all of the hype is about.  Apparently, this type of experiment has been done before with similar results.

Check out this article.  I am kind of appalled.

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  1. I saw that same article a couple of days ago. Hard to imagine how old the food is we really eat from McD's now, huh? ;)

  2. Just think, every time you give them a happy meal -- that you are giving in to helping them die a little faster. McDonalds is SO unhealthy. And gross. And it doesn't even taste that good for how fast it kills. If they beg, tell them you've never heard of kids begging to kick the can. :] Love you, ma!
