Monday, October 25, 2010

30 Day Challenge -- Day Six

Day 6.  A picture of something that makes you happy.

So I was going to go the typical, post a picture of your family or kids as something that makes you happy route, but then I started to think about what that challenge-maker must have really meant.  I mean, if the challenge-maker wanted just a picture of people, it wouldn't have said thing.  Right?

So then I thought, well, this really makes me happy:

a comfy bookstore
 But then again, so does this:

A big deep, warm bathtub 

And I feel just giddy when I think of this:

crunching leaves under my feet

Or when I look at this:

colorful Autumn trees

Or this:

The ocean

Or when I drink this:

a warm cup of coffee

Or eat this:

Thanksgiving dinner

But then I was thinking that really, the one thing that makes me the most happy, is looking that the smiles - the real, true smiles - of my kids.  So a smile is a thing.  Right?  And the challenge-maker can't argue with that.

Megan, Brooke, Kara and Alex


  1. I do love a good bookstore. . .

    But, yes a real wonderful smile from my kiddos. . .priceless!

    Love that last photo!

  2. Thank you gabe!!
    I could definitely spend HOURS in a good bookstore.
