Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cover your eyes, this is only for women

Don't you hate it when you get your period and your husband is all like, "Ohhh... I get it... so that's why you've been so cranky."

And I'm all like, NO!  That is not why I have been so cranky!  I can't help it if every 26 days or so, people are stupid

I do think it's kind of funny (not funny haha, but funny coincidental) that every 26 days or so, someone ultimately does something that is annoying or irritating or that gets under my skin.  Maybe it's just that I have held it together for the past month, allowing all of the annoying and irritating stuff to slide, and on that 26th day I am finally sick of it and can't help but say something.  Or get snotty or cranky.  That makes way more sense.  Yeah.

It has nothing to do with my period.

I am going to keep a log to prove it.

I hate writing the words my period.  It sounds kind of gross.  From now on, I will refer to my period as "going on vacation," as my sister does.

So the next time I am snippy at my husband because he is being dumb, he can say, "Are you going on vacation?"  And I can say, "Yup."  and then he can say, "Ohhh... now I get it."  And he will pack my bags for me and leave them on the bathroom counter.  And he will know not to say anything dumb or irritating for the next few days while I am "away."

And if he wants to hook up, I can say, "Didn't you see my luggage (vacation paraphernalia) on the bathroom counter?  I am on vacation!"


  1. Hey, cute font!! (Cute owl, too.)

    I must admit I LOVE having an IUD. Besides the seven months we were trying to get pregnant, I haven't had a period in six years. Happy sigh.

  2. THANKS! I spent all day making some changes to the blog!
    My sister is a big fan of the iud. I may just have to go there.
