Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Close talkers make me very uncomfortable

I think I am warm and loving and engaged when I am in conversation.  But I just can't handle when someone gets in my personal space.  Close talkers make me very uncomfortable.

I mean, if I can see your uvula, you're too close to me.  If I can see your nose hairs, you are too close to me.  If I can see your ear wax, you are definitely too close to me.

What makes a person think that they can get all up in your mug and you'll be OK with that?  Seriously, isn't it uncomfortable for them too?

I have breath anxiety.  I am very concerned that if I have bad breath and someone is a close talker then they will walk away and think, she must have had a shit sandwich for lunch.  That's my nightmare.  That someone would think that I had a shit sandwich.

It's also my nightmare that someone with their own shit sandwich breath would be a close talker to me.  I can't take bad breath in my airspace.  It makes me gag a little.  Then I have to talk with my nose plugged from the inside.  You know, plugging your nose without actually touching your nose.  

Also, if someone is a close talker I feel like it's very hard to make lingering eye contact.  I find myself focusing on someone's teeth, or their earlobes or that tiny little scar under their eyebrow.  And if I am not making eye contact, maybe they are thinking that I am rude and not paying attention.  When in all actuality, I am just not digging the fact that I can feel their breath on my skin.

If we were in a club, and we were all off in a corner somewhere having a deep  conversation and it was really hard to hear, then that is an instance where being a close talker would be OK with me. I mean, you practically have to be mouth to ear to hear over the noise of a hopping club anyway.

Incidentally, I haven't been to a hopping club in a really long time.


  1. There is someone in Hubs' family who is a close talker...and this person has an odor that is not pleasant which is in addition to her cigarette smoke odor. It's not easy to have a conversation with this person.

  2. Yes on the breath thing. Super awkward.

  3. I had a total Seinfeld flashback when I saw the title of your post. ..

    I would have to agree with you. . .the best part is that the close talkers obviously don't get it, so they continue to stand way too close!

  4. I dislike people invading my personal space too. When it happens I move away, or move them away.
