Friday, November 19, 2010

yolanda vega is NOT my bff

This is Yolanda Vega.  Making someone else very happy.

Why can't I win the lottery??

I am positive I wouldn't be like one of those idiots people that win a couple million and then blow it all in a week.  I am positive I wouldn't go on one of those TLC shows where a bunch of old lottery winners claim that they wish they never won in the first place because it wrecked their lives.


I'm not asking for a lot Yolanda.  I don't need a Powerball insane amount of money (although I wouldn't complain if you wanted me to have it), just a cool million or 5.  That's ALL I AM ASKING FOR YOLANDA VEGA.

Incidentally, how come my mother couldn't have thought of a name like Yolanda Vega?  If that were my name, I would say it in a Spanish accent all day long.  "I'm Yolanda Vega, and I'd like fries with that!"   "Hop in the car kids, Yolanda Vega is going to drive you to school!"  "Can you cash this check for me, Yolanda Vega?"  How much does a carton of milk cost for Yolanda Vega?"  "Sure, I'll have your kid over for a play date, because I'm Yolanda Vega!"   Everyone might hate my guts for having such a cool sounding name, but I wouldn't even mind.  By the way, you have to say it in a Spanish accent for it to sound as cool as it does.  Just so you're in the know.

Anyway, the other night, a couple of my friends were discussing the fact that winning a million dollars was like nothing anymore.  Because after taxes, it bumps you down to like 500 grand, and who is going to quit their job and buy an island for 500 grand??  You can barely buy a house anymore for that kind of money.

Although I would like to point out that I would never say no to 500 grand.  Trust me, I could find something to do with it.

In fact, I won $10 dollars in a scratch off the other day that my husband bought me and I was very excited.  It almost paid for our lunches. 

I'll take a free lunch any day.


  1. An almost free lunch is a start. And... um.... 500 grand would be sufficient here, just saying.

  2. Pretty darn sure I would NOT turn down 500 thousand! Nor would I turn down an almost free lunch! LOL

  3. We don't even have the lottery here. Which is why I have resorted to stripping.

  4. Good post Jess. I think if Yolanda Vega ever won the lottery herself, she'd change her name to Yolanda Rolls Royce. Or Yolanda Ferrari. A Vega just doesnt' cut it as a luxury symbol. By the way, if you're old enough to remember Vegas, you're old!

  5. I would love to win some money.

    Wyoming doesn't have a lottery because it basically sucks.

  6. You're funny. I love the way you write, Jessee.
