Sunday, November 28, 2010

stream of conciousness sunday

So what do you know, I found this little meme thing about writing just what comes to mind for five minutes straight - no editing, or fixing or anything of that nature. Woo. This is going to be weird, because even though I typically purge my face off when writing on this blog, I usually go back and delete stupid stuff and fix errors and just in general, don't press publish til I am good and ready. So anyway, good luck with this potential craziness, or boring mess of bleh. I'm linking to Fadra. You can click on the link below if you want to check out other people's stuff.

Stream of Consciousness Sunday

 Five minutes. f.i.v.e. 5. fiver. Five whole minutes of writing whatever comes to mind. I think I saw something like this on another blog once, and I thought it looked interesting. I like trying new things. Well, not really, but I like trying to write new things. I'm not exactly sure if I can go ahead and really not edit or fix errors and stuff. LIke right there, before I fixed the word fix but it was only because it happened so fast, when I was typing I didn't even realize I did it. I fix without even realizing that I am fixing.
 Yup.  I am a fixer.

I have always known that about myself. For as long as I can remember I felt like I wanted to help people fix things that were wrong. I often ended up dating people who needed a little fixing... one guy I dated for a bit had a pretty rough childhood. I thought I could fix him. I definitely couldn't. It just got so exhausting trying all of the time. I mean, I know relationships all take work and I am not a giver-upper, but don't you think that a good relationship should have way less time of trying and way m,ore time of just being. Just being without all of the trying.

I just mentioned that I am not a giver-upper, but really, I am. I give up a lot actually, and I know it's because I hate to fail. I usually give up before I fail, but then really, I failed anyway, you know? THat is a bad thing, actually. And I am working on it.

 Hm. That there took me about 5 minutes and I am relieved that I am done. Now I will go back and cringe at all of the dumbness and mistakes. But oh well. This is what I do.

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