After we got home from a great long weekend in CT Sunday, I went down into the basement and started dragging out and organizing the Christmas decorations. As we were coming into the development, it seemed like every other house had people out on ladders putting up their lights. It totally put me in the mood. (for decorating, gutter minds)
Alex was on a mission to get some of the outdoor lights up because it wasn't too cold, so while he did that, I started a big pot of chili in the crockpot, and then began the grand task of sifting through the boxes.
I am pretty organized about it, I guess. One year I ended up getting these red storage tubs, so I pack everything I can into those - then I feel all color coordinated and like I know which tubs are for Christmas. So I don't have to rummage through every freaking bucket in the basement. I also have orange tubs for Halloween decorations, brown for Thanksgiving and some pastel colored ones for Easter. Don't judge a good color system. It's very functional.
So Sunday was all about dragging out the buckets. Yesterday was supposed to be about going through the buckets and today was supposed to be about actually decorating. Because it just has to be done by December 1. It's a mental rule. But a bad thing happened yesterday, and that bad thing was that I had a dumb headache that a Motrin 800 didn't even touch, and I did not even do very much at all til the afternoon. Then I had to go to Lowe's to get some stuff and then of course to Walmart for groceries. By the time I got home, I had to get the kids from school and start a quickie crockpot chicken.
Let me just tell you about how I have been loving my crockpot.
And that chicken was so freaking simple and great tasting, it just blew my mind.
I love my crockpot.
So anyway, I am a day off. That is the point of this post. I am a day behind, and yet here I sit. Typing this post. Like the procrastinator I am.
I don't use my crockpot nearly enough. Fortunately, we only have about 3 tubs of Christmas stuff. There are some positive things about living in a small condo.