Monday, November 22, 2010

Sometimes being right isn't all it's cracked up to be

Oh, I know, I know.  We all love to be right. 

Personally, I know the majority of the time that I am right.  I would say 98.927 % of the time is a good estimation.

But sometimes, being right isn't all its cracked up to be.  Isn't that a shocker?

I will give you a few examples of when I was not exactly happy or gloating over my right-ness.

That time when I told Megan and Brooke to quit ramming around or someone was going to get hurt.  Then about an eighth of a second later, Brooke got her finger slammed in Megan's bedroom door and she cried so hard her lips turned blue.  That wasn't exactly a good time for an I told you so.

That time when I told my husband that the basketball hoop thing was looking a little wobbly, and if it fell over it could be pretty dangerous.  Then later that windy night, it blew over and landed on his car and dented it up pretty good. So yeah.

That time when I warned Alex that he kicked way too hard to teach Brooke how to be a goalie, then she got a nice ball in the face.  That lesson ended pretty quick.

That time I warned Megan to tie her shoes before riding her bike!  You're going to fall!  I said.  And she assured me that she had it all under control.  Until her laces got caught in the chain and she ended up crying in the gravel.

That time when I told my husband if we didn't finish the ceiling in the basement now, we were never going to get to it and he assured me that it wouldn't happen that way.  Six years ago.

That time I told everyone it was stupid to get butter cream colored couches because there was no way I could keep them from getting stained up and grungy looking and wait... that was everyone telling me not to get the freaking couches...

Well then.  That actually could be the approximately 1% that I will admit that I was a little bit wrong.


  1. Yeah, there are time being right isn't always the best scenario.

  2. Yeah, I love cream colored couches but I don't think it would work in this house :/
