Monday, August 9, 2010

John and the spreadsheets

I know I have mentioned my brother-in-law John before.  I like to point out that I met him at college and thought he was a jerk, then ended up introducing him to my sister, who subsequently married him.

I no longer think he is a jerk.  In fact, his humor, which is what initially turned me off of him, is one of the things that I appreciate most about him now.

So John has these spreadsheets.  He pretty much turns everything into a spreadsheet.  I am not kidding.  When I say everything, I mean everything.  Because he wants to be able to pull up information at a moments notice on everything that happens to him in his life.  Also because he likes to prove people wrong.  It's like a highly functional and organized diary, if you will. 

Every day when he gets to work, he logs on to his computer and updates his spreadsheets.  He will also create new spreadsheets on anything he deems necessary.

He keeps spreadsheets on his sex life.  Yes, yes he does.  In the case that he comments that he and my sister haven't been intimate in a few days, we can all be reassured that what he is saying is true and able to be proven in a court of law. 

He also keeps spreadsheets on his sports injuries, his daily exercise, his arguments with my sister, his bodily functions, my sister's bodily functions, his alcohol intake and his diet, among [many] other things. 

You know, the more I think about it, John is weird.  He's lucky I love him.


  1. HAHAHA...gee I sure an glad that I am not the only one who stores their life on a spreadsheet although things are chaging since I got an iphone. Now my life is stored on numerous apps

  2. I think John has WAY too much time on his hands :)

  3. This is one of the most curious things I have ever come across and I've heard some humdingers! Absolutely intriguing in a most humorous way!

  4. Hahaha -- seriously, John is one of the funniest people I have ever met. I could write an entire blog on John-isms. Maybe one day I will convince him to let me actually see one of his spreadsheets. His daughter read this and said she was scarred for life. Woops! LOL
