Thursday, August 19, 2010


I think if I ever met anyone who didn't already know me in real life that read this blog regularly, they'd think I had someone else writing for me.  Like a blog assistant.  A blassistant!  No, that doesn't work for me.  A ghost writer!  ANYWAY, I am pretty sure nobody would think I had much to say, or that I was a ball of fire or the life of the party.

In real life, I am pretty shy.  I don't go out of my way to be in unusual situations, and I have a hard time opening myself up to making friends.  My husband is the exact opposite of me.  I often wonder how in the world we ended up together, and then how in the world we stayed together for as long as we have.  Probably because we are so different, actually.

But recently, I have had several people tell me they have read my blog and like it and think I am funny.  That is really awesome, and it makes me happy.  Because I have never been that girl, unless I have a pitcher of Mojitos in me, but that's a story for another post.  Only people in my close, close circle ever see me as much more than pretty quiet and reserved.

I never even thought of myself remotely as the funny girl.  If I was funny, it was an accident - like a blonde moment.  I always saw myself as the wall-flower.  The girl who didn't like attention or any eyes on her, the girl who just wanted to fade into the crowd, who preferred observing rather than be observed.  I was always trying to find ways to not stand out and be noticed.

I guess that it's weird that I chose to get my writing fix so publicly.  I kind of never expected anyone to read this blog.

So what's a chronic introvert to do?

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