Friday, January 14, 2011


Fine.  Let's put it all out there.

I've been a huge slacker.  Blog slacker that is.  I know after the holidays I said I would be back large and in charge, but my posting is fly-by-night, random and lack luster.  Or would that be lacks luster?  Oh I don't know.  But let's be real.

I have been feeling a little bit of the old writer's block, can't seem to get my thoughts together the way I want to.  It's rather irritating.  I don't know what my problem is but I am totally lacking focus.  Also, I have been pretty busy and have to admit I have even fallen way behind on my (extra long) blog roll.   I hate missing even one day of my favorite posters.  And if I do miss even one day, I am super behind because I have to read as far back as I missed.  Otherwise I could quite possibly be out of the loop.  Not exactly sure which loop, but if there is one, I don't want to be out of it.

On another note, I added a show to my line up!

It was purely accidental, I know I mentioned the quandary about adding new shows to your line up, but this one was pretty much forced upon us.  Alex's Uncle Chris has totally gotten us hooked on some great TV.  He makes these suggestions and eventually we get to them and eventually we are way hooked.  So anyway, I think around last year, UC got us season one of this show, Breaking Bad.  It just sat there unopened for a long time because for whatever reason we just didn't get going with it.

So this year, UC has been seriously badgering gently requesting that we please just check out the first episode and he promised we'd be hooked.  He also gave us season two -- because he is that sure.

Well.  UC was right.  We are hooked.  The bad news is that we've been up til like one in the morning all week just trying to squeak another episode out.  We have been glued to the couch.  What a great, weirdly twisted show.  Totally out there and different and I love it!

I don't even know what channel it's supposed to be on.


  1. I feel like all the shows lately, that I have started watching, then get cancelled. My friend gave me season 1 of Arrested Development. I need to catch up.

  2. Writer's block or not, I truly enjoy reading your blog.

  3. Hey, too bad we don't live closer! My husband has been watching Breaking Bad since the beginning, but couldn't talk me into trying it until a couple of weeks ago. We are now halfway through season 2 and staying up until WAY too late watching numerous episodes at once (have you watched the ATM machine one yet? Yikes!) Unfortunately, Netflix doesn't have season 3 yet, so I'm going to have to purchase them on iTunes or something. But yeah, it's awesome. Oh, and it's on AMC, which we don't get since we don't have cable. Happy watching!

  4. Jessee, you described it as a "great, weirdly twisted" show. Coincidentally, that also describes Uncle Chris!

  5. I LOVE "Breaking Bad"!!! Bryan Cranston is incredible. I was so torn when he and Michael C Hall were both nominated for best actor on the golden globes.
