Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Racketeering, Girl Scouts and lots of mental Multiplication

Hey!  Remember that post where I told you guys about my boring old bland old average old resolutions??  Guess what??  A ton of you guys are just as boring and bland and average as me!  No offense.  I bet you are wondering how I could possibly know that interesting information.  And I will just say that I was very excited to read an article in Better Homes and Gardens (yes I do happen to read that magazine), and it was an article on the top ten resolutions that women make for the new year or something -- and guess whose three resolutions were in the top ten?  Mine!  So yeah.  Because we're all like, so similar!

But that's not what this post is about.

This post is about what a racket I think Girl Scouts have going on.  I mean the cookie part.

Lets be real -- how many people would normally spend $4 on a tiny little box of cookies??  The Girl Scout Racketeers get these cute little kids to walk around in their cute little uniforms and smile their cute little smiles, and then beg you for your cold hard cash.  And all you get in return is a box of cookies that maybe holds 16 cookies, because doesn't it seem like they've really reduced the amount of cookies they fit in those boxes??  Meredith Viera refers to that concept as shrinkage.  Similar to George Costanza's concept, but not really.  So anyway, then those racketeers go ahead and scare you with the fact that you can only buy the very special cookies like once a year!

So then you find yourself trying to make a chart on how many boxes per month you think you your family will chomp through, and you know, with a family of six (that includes a boy that suddenly eats like a small horse) you would say that a fair assumption would be 8.  Eight boxes a month.  So if you multiply eight boxes a month by twelve months, you end up buying a truckload of 96 boxes.  You know, just to be on the safe side.  So then you go ahead and multiply the 96 boxes by the freaking four bucks a box and Cod help us all, we've just spent 384 dollars on cookies!!  See what I mean about a racket??

I'd just like to point out that I multiplied all of that in my head.

Anyway -- it's a RACKET I tell you!

Well I am only buying eight boxes in total.  That's another resolution.  And I am going to hoard them.  And I will shamelessly eat them.  And I might share a few, but there's no absolute definitive in that statement.  Because I am the mom.  And I have that kind of power.  Not like the Wonder Twins kind of power, but the Mother who makes and enforces the rules kind of Power.  Which is pretty much as hard core as Wonder Twin powers, if you ask me.

ps I kinda forgot all about Phil Collins.  I am typing this post while listening to 80's music on my Squeezebox, and I just was pleasantly reminded of him when a cool old tune of his came on.  So anyway. Rock on Phil!


  1. As the attorney of the Girl Scouts of America, I have to tell you that by using a likeness of one of our salespeople, err, scouts, you are now obligated to buy 100 boxes of Thin Mints. Notice how we name them the exact opposite of what they will make you!
