Friday, January 7, 2011

He "took a seat" at the Vatican

So there is this guy I know (not mentioning any names to protect his privacy of course) that feels the need to poop every where he goes.  Seriously.  Could I make this stuff up?

Well, I hate the word poop.  I prefer "take a seat."  It's my personal code word.  So that's what I am going with.  No offense.

I am pretty sure this unnamed guy took a seat at every single Ivy League college he visited.  He is mighty proud of this accomplishment, and is awfully happy to tell everyone about it.  He was actually visiting the schools with his smarty daughter, who incidentally is currently studying at one of the schools he took a seat at.

And this unnamed guy, he and his wife went to Italy and Rome this past fall to see a couple of soccer games, and he decided it would be really cool if he could take a seat at the Vatican.  Like, for the story of it, you know?  Because if you know this unnamed guy at all, he is always in it for the story.

Because really, how many people can say that they took a seat at the Vatican?  Probably not too many, I'm guessing.    Because even though a million people visit the Vatican, I can't imagine many of those millions think it is appropriate to take a seat there.  I mean, if you have to go, you have to go.  But to make an effort... well, that's just odd.  If you ask me.

I didn't even think that there would be a toilet there, at the Vatican.  Except, there must be.  Because even the Pope has to poop.  Ahahahahha.  I just said Pope poop.  Oh my Cod, is that sacrilegious?  Sorry.  It is a bodily function.  Sheesh.  Isn't there like a kid's book about that or something?

So anyway, there you have it.

Personally, I'd be interested in knowing if there is anyone else out there who has taken a seat at the Vatican.  Or any other totally random or unusual place.  Because well.  It really is kind of a weird thing to have as a goal.

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