Monday, January 31, 2011

A funny thing happened on the way out of the PBK store

So you know, I am a stay at home Mom.  Sometimes, I get bored.  Sometimes I go shopping.  Or looking.  I don't always buy something.

But the other night, my love of shopping/looking at the mall cover was blown, and it was blown hard.

My sister Ali asked me if I wanted to go up to Pottery Barn with her to get a new couch.  Obviously, she couldn't get the couch she originally wanted from the jerk salesman in Saugerties because she is a good and loyal sister like that.   She totally felt me when I said we'd never shop there again.  And by "we" I meant every single person I know and will spew my story to.

So Ali, Tyrone and I drove up to the mall together, then figured we'd meet Alex at the other mall for dinner.  There is a Cheesecake Factory and PF Chang's at the other mall, so that was where we were planning on eating - not the food court.  Have you ever seen those shows on how dirty and germy and just unclean those food court restaurants are??   There are roaches and mouse droppings.  Ugh.  I can't even think of eating in one of those places.

Anyway, back to the furniture shopping.  Ali does a lot of hemming and hawing.  I do not hem or haw, as a rule.  If I like something, I buy it.  That's it.  I need a quick sit to make sure it's comfy, then I'm all like, "I'll take it!"  Yeah, not Ali.  Oh, she definitely draws the process out.  She needs to measure, to feel it, to sit on it and pretend we are watching TV with a glass of wine on it...  so after the second glass of imaginary wine, I felt like my time would be better spent at Pottery Barn Kids.  

You know, just to look around.

So of course while I am in there, I found a couple of perfect things that were on clearance, because I am all bargain-hunterish like that.  I just did the kids rooms over, so I picked up curtains and a new lampshade for Meg's room and knobs for Brooke's closet doors, and also a sham for a pillow in her room. Seriously I got a lot for for $24 bucks, right??  It would have been a crime if I passed by such bargains!  Let me tell just you about the great sales they were having! So yeah, I was having fun doing my thing.

So I was wrapping up my sale, and Ali and Ty came in because they were finished drinking their imaginary wine on the couch in the other store.  We were chit chatting at the counter while the girl was checking me out, and then it happened.

One of the workers came out and gave me my lampshade, which he had to get from the store room, and he goes, "Here's your shade Jessica.  See you next week!"

So I said thanks and we start walking out of the store, and Ali stops and looks at me and goes, "Are you kidding me??" 

And I'm all like, "What??"

And she goes, "So you're telling me that the random guy who works at Pottery Barn Kids knows you by name??!  Do you really go in there that much??!"

So I smiled, because you know, it is kind of funny.  I just chalked it up to the guy having a great memory, like Marilu Henner or something.

And she shakes her head and goes, "There is something so wrong with that Jessee."

Then she told on me.  Like she tattled to Alex!  She threw me right under the bus as soon as he walked in the door to the restaurant!  Like I was going to get in trouble.  Ha!  I laugh at the face of trouble.

ps - so we went to PF Chang's for dinner and the food was so great, but do you want to hear the worst thing ever??  They are now putting the calories of the food you order right next to them on the menu!!  Can you believe that?? Way to freaking go with the guilt PFC!  Sheesh.)

1 comment:

  1. Well, shoot. I now have to get my butt in gear and pack a lunch before going to work now, or else I'll be eating at the food court, which all of a sudden doesn't sound too appealing. ;)
