Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I am a peeper

I love walking at night.  I almost always walk alone, and even though it is a little scary, it's really peaceful.

I don't mind so much walking when it is cold anymore.  I used to hate it, but I think lately I have had a little change of heart.  It feels like you can take fuller breaths, and I like seeing the warm air that I am breathing out.  Is that weird?  I guess it makes me feel alive-ish.  I don't know.  When I get home my legs feel almost numb because they are so cold, but it feels kind of good anyway.

I also like walking at night because you can see inside other people's houses.  Not in a Peeping Tom sort of way.  But maybe.  Not the scary weirdo kind of peeper though.  More like the curious kind of peeper.

Like isn't it neat to just get a glimpse inside someone else's life for the few seconds that you are walking by?  Maybe you see someone bustling around cleaning up after dinner.  Or kids laying on the floor playing a game or something.  Or people just sitting there spacing out in front of the TV.

Once, I saw the side view of a guy with such a mad scowly face, it was like watching a silent movie.

Depending on what sort of music I am playing, I'll usually make up little stories about what I see inside other people's houses.  I get way too distracted if I am playing my "walking list" though,  which is way upbeat and pretty bouncy.  I don't get too far with those stories because after the first few thoughts, I am back to singing along to will i. am or something.

If I am listening to a more mellow list (which incidentally is not exactly conducive to walking at a great pace) I can get all into a 20 minute story about what is going on in there.  In their lives.  It makes the walking seem to fly by and before I know it my time is up and I am walking up the steps to my own house.  To my own story.  To real life.


  1. LOVE this post! Makes me long for the day when I have lost enough weight that my knees no longer refuse to carry me! And then ... then I will walk and I will dream! :)

  2. Ok, that's it. You and I are definitely related. We must be! I like to walk at night even though it's scary (especially after Criminal Minds) and I always look in windows (from the street mind you) and I have been known to make up stories about the people inside! Yep, we're related.

  3. I think you're entitled to peep into your neighbors' windows since Alex gets to go to strip clubs. You didn't think I'd forget about that posting, did you?!

  4. I drove by a house a few months ago and saw a guy and a girl majorly making out right in front of the refrigerator. The blinds were completely open and they sure didn't seem to care!
