Tuesday, April 5, 2011

24/48 and a 3 day weekend

So I can't remember who, but one of the bloggers I read recently posed this question:

"If you had 24 hours all to yourself, what would you do? Would you go away or stay home? What if it were 48 hours, then what? And if it were a whole three-day weekend?"

So I decided to answer it.  I like to answer questions.

If I had 24 hours all to myself, I think I would stay home.  I'd probably take a really long, hot bath and read til my eyes hurt.  When I'd get tired of reading, I'd catch up on all of the television lingering on my DVR, and watch a bunch of movies.  Of course I would have to get some take out, because movie marathons need food that someone else makes for you.  So to me, 24 hours alone = serious, hard core lazy time.

If I had 48 hours all to myself, I would definitely go off somewhere not too far, like NYC.  It would have to be in a 3 hour radius of home because I wouldn't want to waste too much of my 48 hours on travel.  I'd probably stay in a nice hotel in Times Square and walk and explore and shop, and see a show or two.  And get room service.  I love room service.  It would be great.

Oh, a three day weekend ALL ALONE??   Now that would be amazing.  And I would take advantage of every minute I think.  I am pretty sure I would fly out west - and gain 3 hours.  I'm sneaky like that.  I want to go to a million different cool places along the coast of California... but I would settle for one great spot, where I could walk and explore and people-watch.  And then sit somewhere peaceful and warm for as long as I wanted, just watching the ocean do it's thing.  Quiet and uninterrupted.  That might just be a little bit of heaven right there.


  1. This topic would be a LOT more fun if the time came with unlimited resources! :) Love your plans! Sounds like you'd be a fun gal to hang out with!

  2. If I had three days all to myself...wait. I have every day except weekends to myself. And I don't like it. I much prefer my mommy days when the girls were growing up instead of now when they're all out on their own and it's just Hubs and me. And he works all day. At least I have the dog! LOL
