Friday, December 17, 2010

oh whatever. another cranky little rant.

I am CRANKY.  

I don't necessarily think it is my fault though.

Like, I asked a nameless man who lives in this house to please go into the (finished) basement to carry up my vacuum for me.  Because I have a bad back, and it's heavy.  So, no prob, the nameless man totally did it, which was great.  But then I went to close the basement door, and saw that the pile of clothes that I had left on the stairs to go down to the bins the next time I went down there (I keep all of the outgrown clothes in bins in the basement), was still in the same spot - completely obstructing the way down the stairs.  

So one might assume that if you literally, and I mean literally, have to jump over the pile and down at least two stairs to get past the stuff obstructing your way to the basement, you may think that in your empty arms, you could carry them down along with you!  No extra trip, no special hardship.  Right???!

Would you ever just leap over a pile of things that are in your way, that you  know full well doesn't belong there??!

I swear to both Cod and Baby Jesus that there was a discarded goldfish cracker noticeably on the kitchen floor of my house for over a week, which nobody in this entire place had the inclination to pick up and throw away.  I was doing a little test, and everybody failed!!!

OMG.  Is it just me?  Is it just that (some) people can be incredibly dumb oblivious? 

Am I the only one who feels like you need to make every trip count??  If I go from downstairs to upstairs, you can bet your ass that I am carrying something.  I mean, obviously.  It's that much less that I have to do eventually.

If I am straightening my house (as I do on a daily basis), I put all of the stuff that needs to go upstairs on the stairs.  That way I believe, in my infinite wisdom, when someone is going upstairs and they see their doll or book or dirty socks, they can just bend down and grab the thing and carry it up to where it ultimately belongs.  I think that makes a lot of sense.

I seriously must be the only one who thinks this makes a lot of sense.

So anyway, the nameless man dilly-dallied under the mistletoe for a long time before he left for work today.  Let's just say that he did not get a lengthy mistletoe-worthy kiss.  I was too busy feeling cranky.  And I'll karate chop anyone that suggests it has anything to do with me "getting ready to go on vacation" this week.

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