Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve wounds. Or are they?

We spend Christmas Eve at my father's house.  We means me, my sisters and their families, and my Dad and stepmother.

I love Christmas Eve at Dad's.   It's so nice to just lounge around, eat, drink and be merry.  The kids love it too.

My sister Jen and BIL John being merry

My Dad and Meg also being merry

My sister Ali and BIL Tyrone getting their drink on
 For some strange reason, Kara brought her stage makeup along, and decided to scare the crap out of me by "wounding" all of her siblings.  I was only scared the first time, when she came rushing in and told me that my son was just beat up by some kids out front.  When I went outside, he was laying on the ground and definitely looked beat up.  I swear, his wounds looked so authentic, I got a tear in my eye!  Those Christmas Evil children of mine.

Brooke's fake wounds

Meg's fake black eye and bloody nose

So anyway, all of the pictures that I took of my kids opening gifts at my dad's house involve my kids looking like they were in a car accident.

I think if Kara doesn't have a career as an actress, she will definitely have no trouble as a makeup artist. 


  1. That's pretty funny. They wounds look real!

  2. I love the fact that everyone looks beaten up while opening Christmas presents. They will talk about those pictures for years to come!
