Monday, December 13, 2010

oh ho ho. karma does exist.

So amidst the craziness that we like to refer to as Christmas shopping, I made the bold decision to cart my butt to Target.  Because, well, obviously.

I'm not sure what in Cod's name I was thinking, being that shopping at any time of day or night during the last two weeks before Christmas could be equated with attending a meet and greet in the 6th circle of hell.  But let's just say I had some random crap to get.  Not  presents.  Shockingly.  I am currently gloating with glee about the fact that I am actually 98.9 % finished with my Christmas shopping.  GLEE.

So anyway, I was being the parking lot shark that I am, scoping out the best and closest spot to park (because I am all lazy like that), and don't you know it, a spot became available like two places down!  Right in front of the store!  It was like the Holy Grail of parking spots during this crazy Christmas Countdown!  So I was inwardly patting myself on the back for my awesome parking spot to be, when some lady ass slid all slyly right into my hard earned spot!!

Well, you know I try not to sweat the small stuff, because I have been reformed of that kind of behavior.  For a second there, I was shocked.  And I considered that this was not the small stuff.  It was pretty much what I would call the big stuff.  Because like, who does that?? But then I pulled my shit together, dug down deep for some Christmas cheer, and just drove off to find another spot.  Mentally I swore at her, but that's beside the point.

I know. I know!  I couldn't believe my niceness in the face of her blatent rudeness either.

So I circled a couple times.  Then I decided, forget trying to find a spot here, and I rode down the way a little to TJ Maxx because I needed to buy two headlamps (don't ask).  I figured I would just run in and get them, then go back to Target in a few minutes to continue my quest at finding a good parking spot again.

So I got the two freaking headlamps and headed back down to Target like 15 minutes later.  And guess what guys??

The spot stealing lady left her headlights on.

I will say it one more time for good measure.  She left her headlights on.

Well if that isn't Karma I don't know what is.

And even though I wouldn't gloat in someone's misfortune, I didn't feel the least bit guilty for smirking the whole way into the store.