Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Words that blogger spellcheck thinks aren't really actually words. v1

Come on Blogger!  Get with the times!  The following words don't make it past Blogger's spellchecker.  And let's be real here, we all know that they are actual words.  So this is a part one.  Because there are so many more of these non-words to share. 

Asshat - A word combo - not sure why anyone would exactly need a hat for the ass, but it is pretty funny.  Admit it.

Blankie - Sooo, you guys at Blogger spellcheck never had a blanket that you carried around til it was nothing but a pile of strings?

Blogosphere - Really?

Blogoversary - Once again, really?

Cluttery - Any true fan of organizing knows that cluttery is a real word. 

Crotchal - Oh, this word has been around for like, ever.  You've never heard of the crotchal region?  As in, the region that your crotch is in?  If you're still not following, I can't go into any more detail.  Sorry.  Use your imagination.

Cyber - Whoa.  Now this one was a shocker. 

Ew - Ew has to be in the dictionary.  There can't be anyone on the planet who doesn't know what ew means.  I might even be willing to make a wager on it.

Ho-Bag - See the definition for slore below.  Kinda the same thing.

Hiney - Not a Heineken, you drunks.  Haven't you ever gotten a bare hiney spanking?  Uh.  Me neither.

Manscaping - Oh gross.  Really?

OMG - Like, oh. My. God.

Sheesh - You know, like, oh sheesh?  Some people might say jeez.

Snarky - This one is rather new to me, so I can understand if Blogger hasn't caught up yet.  I think it's a fancy word that people from Europe use instead of snippy, snooty or snotty.  Personally, I prefer snooty.

Skeevy -  Who doesn't know skeevy?  It's like, something gross or skin-crawley.  Obviously.

Slore - I am a huge fan of the word combo, obv.  Slut + whore = slore.  An admission: I rarely even say this because it's not a very nice thing to say.

Sucky - Now this is just getting ridiculous.

Wah - Oh, come on.

Wa(h)mbulance - See above.  And below for that matter.  Then, give it the old college try and figure it out.

Whiney - Any mom (or dad) out there knows this one.  You know, like because kids whine.  I think they're all born whiners.  You really need to curb that as soon as possible or your life as you know it will become really unbearable.  It's only a matter of time.

Wog - A combination of the words walk and jog.  Like a walk-jog.  Like a fast walk where you try to look like you're jogging but you're really not.  You're just walking fast moving your arms around a lot.  You're not kidding anyone.

And last but not least, trifecta!  I know, right??  My new favorite word?  Shocking.


  1. Can you believe Snuggie isn't on there either?

  2. Did you try spelling a couple of those *ie words with a y? Just wondering if it was a spelling issue or if Blogger needs a reality check. And a couple of your words were new to me too.

  3. i'm pretty sure i've used most of those words in my blogging. it's very foolish. for myself, i like the word snarky. sounds like what it means. i like to combine snarky with sarcastic and get snarcastic, meaning to be sarcastic with attitude.
    how can blogger not know about blogosphere or blogoversary? and why do i always spell blog as clog first and have to go back & correct?

  4. You just used crotchal, ho bag and skeevy all in one post. That is like, the trifecta of awesomeness!
    And slore? Who knew? Learn something new everyday. And I'm totally using that one at work tomorrow so thank you for that!

  5. OMG that is the most ridiculous list I've ever seen! I use some of those all the time. And the ones I haven't seen before, I'll be using them now!
