Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Ugh.  What a day.  Brooke had to have one of two teeth extracted this morning.  I am so not good with the whole dentist thing. I wanted to just cancel the appointment, but I couldn't.  I actually just got fired from my dentist for so many cancellations.   For me, not for my kids.  I know how bad it is, canceling like that.  I feel guilty, but I can't help that something is wrong with me.  Every time I go into a dental office I get this queasy feeling.

pre-extraction, but after Novocaine
Anyway, Brooke needs a lot of orthodontics.  She has such a narrow jaw, and two of her molars were obstructing others from coming down.  She is used to the dentist, so she wasn't all upset about going.  I always give her the heads up on what to expect, so there was no big surprise there.  I have to say that she's an awesome patient.  Meanwhile, I'm standing there behind her trying not to throw up, smiling all nice and giving her the thumbs up whenever she looks back at me for reassurance.  

She didn't even cry when they gave her the Novocaine shot.  Poor little girlie.

The sound of that molar being pulled out was disgusting.  I seriously was not feeling great.  So she has this crater sized hole in her mouth at the moment.  Looking at the tooth after it came out, she did get a little grossed out because it still had a root attached and it was huge, weird.   She put it in the little treasure chest and did not want to even open it.  

We ran to the store to get soft stuff for her to eat, and a special toy for being so brave.  I think I need a special toy for being so brave.  I half wanted to send Alex to be my parental stand in, but I really just need to be there if I know that she's going to be upset or hurt, so of course I sucked it up and went.  

I think part of my problem is related to Kara having oral surgery when she was about 7 or 8.  It was horrible.  They wouldn't let me come in with her and she said she felt the whole thing, and oh man it was awful.  Her little swollen face, dried blood around her mouth, those tear filled cheeks.  Looking at me like I sent her to the slaughterhouse.  I will never be able to erase that image.

Thank God Brooke's experience was infinitely better than Kara's.  I love our dentist, and Brooke really does do great in that chair.  

Poor little peanut recovering on the couch
So we spent the afternoon snuggling on the couch watching a movie.  She was all excited because I let her eat her lunch on the couch, which is so not anything I ever let the kids do.  She couldn't wait to tell Megan about that.

Isn't it funny that she was more concerned with that than showing her sister her new toy or her gross little molar?


  1. Poor thing! Hope she has a speedy recovery!

  2. Oww. Oww. Well at least your daughter took it well even if you didn't!

  3. Oh my god. I hate the dentist. HATE HATE HATE going to the dentist. The last time I was there, I heard one dentist walk over to this poor old man and say; "yeah, that tooth has to come out." I freaked and said EFF THIS and put my ipod on. There was NO WAY I was going to listen to the horror in the next room.
    Your poor girlie! I'm glad she was so brave. Kudos to you too for braving it with her!!!!
