Tuesday, May 1, 2012

monday listicle - I'm good

So I've been reading this new to me blog, The Good Life, and it's fun and funny.  And guess what?  That Stasha does a feature thing that is called Monday Listicles.  There are different topics every Monday where you list ten things, then link up.  Well.  You all know how much I love lists.  So I have to participate.  Because, you know, it would be a crime if I passed up an opportunity to write a list and link it to other list writers and then like, love my list so hard.  So apparently this week's topic is Ten Things that I am Good at.

Hm.  Well. It's kind of funny, because one of the very things that I am not good at, is talking myself up.  I gotta be honest here and say that the list of things that I suck at would be way longer.  And probably infinitely more interesting.  Maybe that will be my next post.  Ah, I suppose in the course of 42 years or so, I have picked up a little bit of knowledge and insight on a few things.  So, I'll try to stretch that into 10 actual things.

1.  Being patient.  I can wait a lot of things out.  I mean, like I can wait a looong time.  I'm a major hanger-onner.  That could actually be a bad thing.

2.  Organizing.  I love organizing things.  Mostly in my mind.  I could be better at it.  I didn't say I was a great organizer - just good.  I like thinking about how to organize things quite a bit, however actually implementing the organization somehow gets pushed to the side most of the time...

3.  Daydreaming.  I am a professional day dreamer.  I consistently have a made up movie playing in my head pretty much all day long.  Starring me.  And the things I wish for, or want to do/be.

4.  Entertaining kids.  Ah, I have had a kid on me pretty much constantly for the last almost 23 years.  (omg.  23 years is a shocking amount of time.)  I guess I have had to come up with a few tricks over that time to keep them busy and/or entertained.

5.  Training dogs.  This is a little silly, but I am great at teaching dogs tricks and commands.  Maybe I should be a dog trainer!  Nah... even though I like dogs, I am not a very good petter and dogs like when people pet them.

6.  Listening.  I am a great listener, mostly because I am pretty quiet and empathetic.  I don't interrupt and I don't steal your thunder.  I just listen.  People tend to spill a lot of shit to me.  I particularly like the validation that I am not the only one who is slightly not all there.

7.  Observing.  I think my sharp observation skill goes hand in hand with the listening thing above.  Because I am pretty quiet, it's easy to blend in to the background and just look at things.  I love to look at stuff around me and soak it all in.  And I love to people watch.  People are weird.

8.  Driving.  I am a great driver.  Except since my driving anxiety happened, I feel a little less worthy of being on the road.  I really need to get over that issue, because I like driving!  And I abhor the thought of depending on someone else to drive me around.  I need to be independent!!!

9.  Floating.  I  am also a great floater.  I think it's because I am on the chunkier side.  I read that fat floats, and if you have very little body fat you can't float very well, maybe not even at all.  Well, I'm just going to say I could float til tomorrow with no problem whatsoever.  

10. Napping.  I could be a professional napper (along with my professional daydreamer status - it fits).  I rarely nap.  Seriously.  But I love to nap.  If someone told me, "You have 15 minutes to nap!  Ready, set, GO!"  I could close my eyes and make it happen pretty much anywhere, anytime.  Ahh.  There is no denying that a good nap goes a long way.

So there you go.  Linking up to Monday listicles, and maybe tomorrow I'll come up with ten things that I really suck hard at, you know, just to balance out this somewhat indulgent post.


  1. I absolutely hate it when people interrupt me. The lovelies don't do it to me but everyone else in the family does- including Hubs and my mother. Makes me want to smack the crap out of them. Daydreaming? Yep. Patient- not so much. Organizing? in my mind too. Entertaining kids? Hells yes! Training dogs? Yup. Observing- Yes and to the point that I wish I didn't see a lot of things. Driving? I'm a great driver too- it's everyone else who has the problems. Floating? Yeppers. Napping? I can do it but you don't want to be anywhere near me when I wake up! Great list! Fun!

  2. Not that I don't like your first 8 good qualities...your last two had me LMAO!!! Only because I can relate of course!

    From now on, I'm going to list "floating" as one of my good qualities too! :D

  3. I can float really well too. It all makes sense now. I nap therefor I float. In a way my reluctance to exercise would help me survive Titanic. I like it!!
    Great list. And 23 years really doesn't sound like much. Guess cause I am not 23 anymore :)

  4. Add good writer to the list of things you are good at!

  5. Nice list!

    I am also a pretty nifty daydreamer..

  6. I'm pretty good at entertaining kids, too. Fun list!

  7. "I am not a very good petter...."

    Wait, ...didn't Ferris Beuller's friend say that?!?
