Thursday, November 10, 2011

Well I never!

Mama Kat had a writing prompt a few weeks ago suggesting listing 22 things that you've never done before.  You know I often resort to lists when I am feeling particularly boring and like I have nothing great to say.  So today is the day guys.  Me = boring and uninspired.  You = so lucky to be here.

22 Things I Have Never Done

gone out of the country (except to Mexico)
been punched
gone bungee jumping
been in jail
had braces

been on a cruise
been in a hot spring
been bitten by a dog.  or horse.  or coyote.
gone sky diving
ridden a unicycle (I've tried though!)

been to a casino
ridden in a helicopter
been in a serious car accident
broken a bone
run a mile without stopping

eaten an entire thing of ice cream
gone cliff diving
eaten a tequila worm
tried snowboarding
held a monkey

gone on a zip line
been to a pro football game

So there you have it.  There are a lot of things that I have never done.  Not all of them would I like to have done.  Like I really have no desire to go bungee jumping.  Or eating the Tequila worm.  Or getting bitten or punched.  Or breaking a bone for that matter.

So go ahead and make one of your own lists if you aren't sure what you feel like writing about today.  But then make sure you leave me a comment to tell me where your list is so I can go see what YOU haven't done. 

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like fun! I may have to try it. I saw another blogger one time who was struggling with gratefulness so she did a reverse blessings list (bad things that haven't happened) - It was interesting and thought provoking!
