Wednesday, November 2, 2011

halloween hangover

So man, I feel all tired and sluggish.  Way too much sugar flowing through these veins from the past few days.

Nov 1 was my last candy day, and ugh.  I was positive that when I woke up yesterday I wasn't going to eat anymore freaking Halloween candy.  Then I had a Baby Ruth for breakfast, with a Snickers chaser.  And at some point I had Milk Duds, which I don't even like.

That is exactly why I don't keep candy in the house.  If it is here, I will more than likely just go ahead and eat it.  Just because.

I have exactly no will power.  I have less than no will power even.

What I'd really like to do is toss all of the candy, but something in me just won't do it.  It's a combination of "the kids should be able to eat their Halloween candy without fear of it being suddenly gone," and  "it would be a crime to throw away perfectly good candy."  So really, I am making the kids hide their candy from me.  Just for a week or so, then I really am tossing whatever is left because they don't need to be eating candy til Christmas.  Which is pretty much how long they would be eating it considering they have enough candy to fill a kiddie pool between the three of them.

So, today, it was back to the gym.  Candy nowhere in sight.  Back to eating like a good eater.  Boring.  But good.  I need to save any and all extra calorie intake for Thanksgiving.  Because really, Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite food time of the year.  I love Thanksgiving dinner and Thanksgiving dinner leftovers and I refuse to not eat everything that I want to eat.

1 comment:

  1. I love me some Thanksgiving food too! And the leftovers! This year, I'm just cooking it without so much sugar and fat. I've tried the recipes and I can't tell the difference so I plan to enjoy (read: eat) a lot!
