Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Alex's firm has kind of a dress code/facial hair policy.

It's a pretty straight forward policy - no black suits, and facial hair is apparently frowned upon.  Among other things I'm sure, but those are the ones that I remember anyway. 

So when we go on vacation, Alex gets all excited because he doesn't have to shave.  I can understand that.  I'm a girl who has pits or a leg to shave often enough.  Annoying.

So anyway, as always, Alex's beard grew in all thick-like over vacation.  Two weeks with no shaving and he had a decent amount of facial hair going on.
Two nights before vacation was wrapping up, John and Alex snuck into the bathroom and did a little shaving.  John shaved Alex's beard off into what might be considered the Frank Zappa.  Kind of like a thick Fu Manchu.  It was hideous.  He looked like a bouncer.  John made sure to tell me he left the tickler on (and also go into detail about what a tickler was) and I was thoroughly disgusted.

No offense to bouncers or anything.  Or people who appreciate a tickler I guess. 

When everyone noticed the 'stache, they couldn't stop laughing.  It was so freaking hilarious.  Alex loves to milk a joke so of course he kept the thing on overnight.  I couldn't even look at him really.  A fleeting kiss was not happening with the bouncer.  Not even close.  Just, no.

Then, the next morning I was rudely woken up by a call from my sisters at the ungodly hour of 8:15.  They wanted us to come pick them up from where they had walked so we could all go to a diner for breakfast.  And they wanted us to come right now!  There was just time to brush teeth and throw on some shorts before I got another peevy call about why I wasnt there yet, so the shaving of the bouncer-stache before going out in public didn't exactly happen.

Mortifying.  I pretended I didn't know him actually.
Anyway, bouncerstache-gate came to an end later in the day and morphed into PaulBlart-stache.  Or, perv-stache for those of you who never were lucky enough to see Mall Cop (I'm kidding).

Perv-stache lasted all day.  Thankfully I convinced perv Alex to get rid of the offensive facial hair for the annual family picture.

1 comment:

  1. I love a beard! Hubs has one and I won't let him shave it off! Of course, his looks nothing like Frank Zappa! LOL
