Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I am Sofa King. Hear me roar!

Are you at work?

I'm not.

Well, mostly because I don't have a "real job," but that is just a technicality.

So, this one time (side note: every time I say "so this time," I want to add "at band camp." like American Pie) when I was at work at one of my real jobs, this guy I worked with came up to me with a little note scratched out on a piece of paper and asked me to read it out loud.

So I was all like, "Huh?  Why?"

And he was all like, "It's a joke.  Just read it.  It's funny"

So I opened the little note, and this is what it said:

I am Sofa King.  We Todd did.

So I read it mentally, and said, "Wait, this doesn't make any sense."

And he was smiling weirdly and he was like, "Just read it out loud Jessee.  You'll get it when you read it out loud."

So I read it out loud, "I am Sofa King. We Todd did."

And I looked at him and he was laughing and I was like, "I still don't get it!"

And he goes, "Just keep reading it out loud and repeating it.  You'll get it."

Now I have to admit, I am a little slow in the joke department.  Sometimes it takes me a while, OK?

So of course I read it out loud again, "I am Sofa King. We Todd did." and of course he laughed harder.

And I read it a couple more times, each time louder and faster, 
"I am Sofa King. We Todd did. I am Sofa King. We Todd did!  I am Sofa King. We Todd did!!"  And by this time he was basically rolling on the floor and some of my other co-workers had come up and started laughing (not with me.  At me.) too. 

Eventually I had a crowd of people around me laughing so hard tears were flowing and I was getting frustrated and annoyed and kept reading it louder and louder til finally, I got it.

I got it.

And I didn't think it was very funny! :/  He totally played on my blonde-ness.  And I don't even say the R word in real life because I think it's mean.

It took me a while to live down the nickname of the Sofa King at work.  Anyway, I got facebook friended the other day by the meanie who got me into that whole predicament.

So do you think I should I should accept him?


  1. I am at work!

    Hmmmm, I don't know if I would friend him or not.

  2. I'm at work. :)

    And NO! Because I don't think that was funny at all!

    But you still make me smile!

  3. Okay Jessee, I'm really sorry, but I would have been one of the people rolling on the floor with tears pouring from my eyes. As I read this I was mentally thankful I just peed because my 38+ week pregnant uterus sitting on my bladder would not have been able to handle it. When I finally stopped laughing about the second sentence, the first sentence finally dawned on me and I started the hysteria all over again. (I'm a little slow in the joke department also!)
