Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Boss Hogg and a bunch of other stuff

So my sister Ali always lets me glom onto her friendships.  Probably because I am not good at making any of my own.  That's nice of her, isn't it?

Not only does she let me glom, but she usually forces me to participate.  It's good to have a sister like that when you tend to kind of keep to your own little self.

So anyway, a couple of years ago, Ali made me meet a few of her work friends, fellow teachers.  She would force me to come over and hang at the pool and listen to them talk about teaching.  They are some of the best second grade teachers in all of NY State.  They may even have a certificate in a file to prove it.  So, you know, I always sort of sat there and listened to them talking about tier one words and annoying kids and their superintendent and shitty vacation time and how they couldn't go to the bathroom all day long.

But after a while, I kind of realized that I actually liked some of her friends.

Shocking, right??  I know!

So forced pool hangs turned into a few forced get togethers that I actually (!) enjoyed.  I even agreed to let her friend Cheri come to OBX with us in the event that Indi couldn't come.  That is major.  I hate when anyone comes on vacation with us because I like to be able to not wear a bra (at bedtime! sheesh) and feel comfy about it, you know?  If we had new people there, how am I supposed to go braless?  And forget about burping with gusto.  How am I supposed to burp heartily with new people?

So Saturday night we went to have dinner with a bunch of Ali's teacher friends at Cheri and her husband Kenny's house.  Their friend Jackie and her newish husband Junait were there.  Those two couples are my favorite of Ali's friends, and we really like hanging with them.  Cheri is this cute little funny girl with a huge wide smile, and she puts up with my husband's disgusting humor.  Her husband Kenny is really chill and he also puts up with my husband pretending to be a dick.  Jackie is just about a snitch older than my daughter Kara, and she's just really easy to hang around with.  She actually has sleepovers at Ali's almost every week.  Her newish husband Junait is pretty hilarious.  At first he seemed kind of quiet, but eventually he seemed so not quiet.  He's very good with a fake Indian accent.  He actually called my husband a shitfuck in an Indian accent once because he was being a crappy DJ.  It may have been one of they funnier things that I have ever heard my husband be called.  Well deserved though, because really, there is no good excuse for being a crappy DJ in the car.

So the rest of them are alright, some are more alright than others.  One girl's husband is a dick and he gives off this skeevy vibe.  I feel sorry for his wife because she's nice.  Another one I think I could like more if I loosened up - she's nice and has a cool husband who is my type of person.  Not in the way that I am checking out her husband, just in the way that he is cool and interesting.  Lots of times kids are welcome to come along, which I think is really nice.  Brooke really enjoys some of the kids from this group.  Poker usually goes down at these kind of teacher get-togethers.  We didn't partake in poker because I had to leave a bit early to pick up Alex from far far away, which was annoying but cute because he likes a girl.  Also, I suck at poker and I suck at getting the rules.  Alex doesn't suck though and he wins a lot when he plays.  He has a decent poker face.  Obviously.

Alex wins at a lot of stuff, not just poker.  He's really competitive, especially in sports.  Pretty much all sports except skiing, which he just picked up a few years ago.  He's still new at it, and he flips out when he falls because he doesn't like to look like he can't do it.  It's pretty funny.  He is very deceiving in the way that he looks, people don't expect him to be athletic unless they know him, or know of him from the glory days.  When he was a Varsity starter for soccer or baseball in 8th grade.  Haha Ali.  When he was Athlete of the year possibly more than once.  When he saved the entire season with a grand slam!  Blahblahblah.  Isn't it funny how guys have a binder of their newspaper clippings from high school sports - the clippings where their name was printed, or their picture was in there or something.

I suppose no funnier than the fact that I cart around a huge tub of things from my high school days, a good portion of which are really stupid.  I always say I am going to go throw a bunch of that stuff out, and ugh.  I have such a hard time with that.  There are some things that I will never toss, like ever.  But really I am pretty sure I don't need my pay stubs from the job I had when I was 15.  Or that autographed picture of Boss Hogg.

I shit you not, I have an autographed picture of Boss Hogg.  I'm not sure why I don't have the actual cute Duke's of Hazard guys, or even Daisy.  Why in the world do I have Boss Hogg?  

I believe that is the question of the day.

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