Tuesday, April 10, 2012

get in mah belly

So you know, sorry I didn't post yesterday (or Friday for that matter), I was busy stuffing my face with leftover Easter candy.  I'm all like, "Hurry kids!  Hide your baskets from me unless you want everything to be GONE!  Get in MAH BELLY!"  And they're all like, "No Mom!  Noooooo!"

Thank Cod I was able to find a few miscellaneous jellybeans that rolled under the couch.  A random peanut butter cup that I hid accidentally kicked under the coffee table, a disgusting discarded Robins egg... Then I was so excited because I found an unopened package of Snickers eggs that I forgot I hid, and I was all, "MINE!" til I tried one and it sucked.

Have you ever tried them?  How can a Snickers taste so differently, just because it is in another shape??  Rectangle vs. egg...  makes a big difference apparently.

Now, the Peanut Butter Cup egg tastes just as good if not better than the normal cups, don't you think?  I am pretty sure it's all about the ratio of peanut butter to chocolate in there.  The peanut butter tips the scales in the egg shape and mmmmm... I love those little cute things.

ANYWAY, it's school vacation week here, so there is no guarantee that I will be able to write an intelligible post each day.  I will try, but you know, I just want to put out a disclaimer to all of my three readers so nobody is disappointed.  Also, I am trying really really hard to get caught up on all of my favorite blogs because I don't know what the heck happened!  I cannot seem to carve out enough time to read my favorites and comment as regularly !  I think it's Pinterest.  Yeah that's it, Pinterest happened.

Well I am getting a cleaning lady so I can read blogs all day without guilt!  Ah, who am I kidding?  If I got a cleaning lady I may actually feel like a SAHM fail.  Super guilty.  But who am I kidding?  If I can get a cleaning lady to clean my bathrooms, kitchen and floors, I will be a happy, happy SAHM.  Fuck the guilt!  I'll more than likely never be as good a SAHM as the perfect ones. (Did I ever mention that Blogger spellcheck tries to change SAHM to sham or shame?  Interesting Blogger spellcheck, veeeeery interesting.  Just what are you trying to insinuate?)

Huh.  I kind of like that thought though, fuck the guilt.  I should probably use that statement more often in my life.  I think I will.  Feel free to join me.


  1. Guilt? What's that? I applied your phrase YEARS ago. Life saving it was. LOL DoodleBug was the only lovely here this year so I went overboard with her basket. But I filled it with all organic chocolates and fruits- and the sugar was something like beet sugar and coconut sugar. She LOVED it. Good thing the other girls weren't home though. There would have been a mutiny. :)

  2. i had a difficult time reading the top half of this post. all the talk of easter candy is giving me flashbacks to brooke's basket full of sugar downstairs. so far i've only caved in to two stale starbursts and i plan to keep it that way!
    i want a cleaning lady too. but at least i'm no longer working as the cleaning lady.

  3. Yeah, I agree. FUCK the guilt. I finally got a cleaning service six months ago. Now I hang out with my kid instead of cleaning the pee drips off the toilet rim (not mine - ahem). :) And yes, the Easter egg shaped Reese's Peanut Butter cups should be sold all year long. I scored a bunch of leftover Easter candy today at the store for SUPER cheap. Nom nom nom.
