Monday, March 12, 2012

one last word, v1

People Magazine has this new feature thing on the last page of their magazine.  I know this because I just recently got a partially free subscription to that great magazine!  WooHOO!  So now I am up with all of the celebrity happenings.  Yes, yes I am.   Anyway, on the last page, they have a new feature called the last word (so clever!) where a celebrity answers a few questions on the last things they've done.

I've decided to copy them even though I am not quite a celebrity yet.  Not the answers, the questions.  Is that plagiarism?  I hope not.  If it is, maybe because I am admitting my question copying in advance I won't get in big fat trouble by the plagiarism police.  Plagiarism is a very serious thing - there must be a task force somewhere out there dedicated to exposing the offenders and publicly flogging them.  Don't you think?

Anyway, the last word...

1. Last thing I cooked.  The last thing I cooked was spaghetti and turkey balls, at the request of my kid Megan, who would have it every night if she could.  I do make a pretty incredible spaghetti.

2. Last time I worked out.  The last time I worked out would have to be last night, if you consider a good long brisk walk a work out.  I have been a gym slacker lately, so walks have been the most consistent form of exercise that I've been getting.

3. Last person I kissed.  That would be Brookie, my little pumpkin head.  I kissed her goodbye when I dropped her off at school this morning.  I love that she still lets me kiss her.

4. Last hangover.  Well, I'm not much of a drinker, so I totally remember the last time that I drank enough to have an actual hangover.  It was two summers ago, after single handedly drinking a pitcher of mojitos at my friend Heather's house.   Oh man.  It reminded me exactly why I don't go overboard more often.

5. Last time I cried.  That may have been within the last week or two.  I was in a sad, sucky mood for a few days and I was a little bit of a crybaby.  I 'm not much of a crier.  More of a suck it up and deal with it kind of girl.  If I do cry, it's rarely with an audience.  Make that never.  Never with an audience.

6. Last movie I watched.  I watched the movie "Easy A" in NYC.  It was actually really good... I love Emma Stone.

7. Last big splurge.  Well, we just went to NYC for a few days with the kids.  We took the train down, got a few rooms at the Hilton in Time Square, and pretty  much did the whole touristy thing.  It was a ton of fun, but also not at all cheap.  Basically, every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) was over $100 - that added up pretty quick.

8. Last gift I received.  Hm.  I don't know!  I just had a birthday a few weeks ago, so I got a nice bit of gifts for that.  

9. Last time I cursed.  Well, that would have to be about 10 minutes ago when I was on the phone with my husband.  I was relaying some shocking information that called for an exclamatory curse.

10. Last show I recorded.  Do you even have to ask??  I recorded The Bachelor finale of course!


  1. i love that my brookie lets me kiss her too.
    i was trying to think of my last curse. i'm assuming that means swear, not so much the "i put the curse of the toad upon you" kind of thing. i've been having my year without swearing, but a couple days ago i was visiting a college friend and i saw something that we'd named the "big a$$m0thrf&@ing coat" and it just couldn't be referred to in any other way.

  2. I'm feeling a great deal of sympathy for the poor turkey who surrendered his masculinity for the sake of your dinner! And I dare you to ever look at Turkey Balls the same way again!
