Thursday, September 27, 2012

Text conversations I have with my husband v2

disclaimer:  this is a snitch inappropriate.  But what the heck.  I'm feeling sharing today.

Me: Can you just grab the steak, seltzer and paper towels?

Husband: I think so.  

Husband: OK, I got them and some poop corn.

Me: And one of those skinny french cukes!

Husband: A c*ck?

Husband: A French skinny c*ckcumber?

Me: I'm just going to pretend you are mature. 

Husband:  What? I thought that was damn you autocorrect.

Me:  Uh huh.

Husband:  I am very mature, yo.

Me: Super mature.

Husband:  So, a skinny c*ckcumber then?

Me:  omg.

Is it just my husband, or is there a 12 year-old boy locked up in every guy out there? 

Sorry about the *, I just didn't want to get a ton of pervy weirdos coming here.  


  1. i don't know about you, but every time i'm in the grocery store trying to choose a cucumber, i feel like quite a pervert. i'm feeling up some big wieners right there in public.

  2. Too late... pervy weirdo here.

    Yes. We are ALL 12.

    That should make you feel a little better.

  3. Hilarious. I would totally not be above this conversation. I applaud you both.

  4. Hilarious. I would totally not be above this conversation. I applaud you both.

  5. Haha! Funny! My Hubs still giggles whenever I say "duty." Seriously. The man is thirty-f**king-four! :) And I second Sherilin's pervy feelings about cuke shopping. Ewww...
