Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So last night, I had this weird dream.  I almost always remember my dreams, or big parts of my dreams.

In my dream, I was following an old friend though this corn maze thing.  And it was sunny, and there was laughter and it felt really warm and happy.  And then he turned around and smiled and said something to me, like encouraging me to come closer.  It was very vivid - I can imagine the ways his eyes crinkled in the corners when he smiled.   I tried to respond, tried to move forward and then he got this puzzled look on his face because I couldn't speak or move.  Like the words just wouldn't come out and I was stuck.  And all of a sudden it was silent.  And shadowy.  And my friend kept looking at me like he expected me to say something, the right thing, and he was unhappy that I couldn't talk, that I wouldn't come closer.  And then I felt really sad because I wanted to come closer and I wanted to talk, and then it kind of felt like a bad dream.

So the dream had been with me all day.  Like I kept thinking about the images, how clear it was, how happy and light it was, and then how all of a sudden it felt like someone hit the mute button and dimmed the lights.  So of course, I googled dream interpretation.  Because that's what I do.  I over analyze things.  I need to figure things out.

And this is what it said:

To dream that you are voiceless, represents a loss of identity and a lack of personal power. A dream about light to darkness can symbolize a fear of the unknown, and can also be metaphorical of unforeseen possibilities. Dreaming about paralysis may be a warning to you to stay still and do nothing for now in regard to a real-life situation that is on your mind and may be problematic for you.

I wonder if I believe in that stuff, dream interpretation.  I guess it sort of makes sense - the symbolism. 

What do you guys think?  Do you believe in dreams somehow mirroring a sort of reality?


  1. Actually, when I have a dream as vivid as yours, I wonder what I'm supposed to do with it. I do think that our dreams represent some subconscious issues we're dealing with in real life. A few of my dreams have seemed so real that I wake up laughing or crying. Dreams are a funny thing.

  2. I think they can sometimes. I'm not big into dream interpretation, but I have had some dreams that were definitely about things that were currently going on in my life, or stressing me out.

  3. I think that sometimes they can express thoughts that you're not recognizing in your waking state. If you really think about some dreams, I think they reveal a lot. Just my two cents...

  4. Yes ... and no. God used dreams to talk to people a LOT in scripture and I see no reason to think He has quit doing it. On the other hand ... I suspect that we are some times far too anxious to assign depth and meaning to that which may be simply ... "a bit of undigested pudding!" (Christmas Carol if you didn't recognize it.)

  5. It's hard to say. Sometimes they seem to do. A friend of mine was an awesome dream interpreter.
