Friday, May 20, 2011

Alright.  I'm just going to say what we've all been thinking. 

This week's posts were pathetic.

Attempts were made to write something relevant.  Attempts were made to be interesting, funny, coherent, even mildly entertaining.  Clearly those attempts were for naught.  

(Notice my big word?  I pull those out when I need to fill up space.)

So anyway, excusesexcuses, I know, but I have a lot going on.  I do!  As long as The Rapture doesn't actually happen, Kara is graduating from college tomorrow.  I've been a little crazy about it.  Not that I have had to do anything major in preparation, it just seems like it's taken up a lot of space in my mind that is usually reserved for mundane stuff.

So anyway, I'll be back on track Monday (Which incidentally is Kara's birthday -- she is turning 22! Wow. That is old.) and I'll most likely post a bunch of pictures and all of that good stuff.

On a related note, do you think it's dumb to write a post about the fact that you really have nothing of importance to write about?


  1. You make me laugh and THAT, my friend, is always post-worthy!

  2. P.S. Not my laughter (it's not THAT rare) just the fact that whatever you write usually inspires laughter and I am grateful!

  3. I agree with Beth- your post always give me a smile and/or a hearty laugh. You just can't beat that!

  4. It's your blog and if you can't write what you want here, where will you do it? :)

  5. Ah, you're being too hard on yourself Jess, they were great posts!

  6. A Blog funk happens, no worries. :)
