Friday, May 28, 2010


There used to be this guy in our neighborhood that for all intents and purposes thought he was jogging, but I am pretty sure he was walking briskly while moving his arms in a joggish way.  Don't get me wrong, I give anyone who gets out there and exercises regularly major props, and he sure worked up a sweat doing it.

I commonly refer to this type of exercise as wogging.  Some might call it "walk-jogging."  This was, to my dismay, confirmed and defined right here in, definition number 2. 

(if you are a new reader, I will fill you in on the fact that I am feverishly trying to get a first definition original word in, as previously blogged about here and here)

Oh I thought I had it this time.  When I looked, I started with wog.  All of the definitions seemed to refer to a derogatory term that I was unaware of, so I thought I could REDEFINE it.  Then I found it under wogging. Wah.  Not fair.

An interesting tidbit that sort of relates: In Anchorman, which could possibly be one of the funniest movies of all time, Ron Burgundy discusses YOGGING -- as he says, "jogging or yogging, it might be with a soft J."  Obviously, this closely resembles my word, and one might argue that I just stole the idea and modified it.  I don't have actual proof, but we referred to the guy in our neighborhood as a wogger way before Anchorman came out.  So I claim it as mine.  My word.  Mine.


  1. Neep, our version of that word was not in the Urban Dictionary. Neep, longer than a nap, shorter then sleep. I love your wogging word.
    I'm your newest follower. Found you at Java's Friday Follow, 40 and Over.
    Take care and God Bless!!

  2. Visiting you from the 40 Friday Follow - and your newest follower.

    I just saw a "wogger" this morning while running errands. Bless his heart -- he was probably in his 70s and could probably outrun/outwalk/outwog me any day!

  3. Jessee, I am giving you credit for 'wogging" too! ( :
    That is funny!

  4. Hi, just found you through the 40+ Friday Follow, Nice to meet you, hope you'll follow me too :)

  5. Sounds good to me. I just hope it catches on and sticks. Smile. I'm already one of your followers and when I saw you listed on Java's 40+ blog hop I decided to poke my head in and say "Hi!".

