Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I have always been positive that I made up the word "bacne," but I just heard it on a movie!  Someone stole my word!

I also take all credit for the words mandles, moobs and murse, but when I tried to submit them to urbanditionary.com they were already there.

Someone is stealing my homemade words.

I love making up words and then using them in every day conversation.  Remember that episode of Seinfeld where they were talking about the "Bro," a bra for men?   I thought that was an awesome episode.  That's kind of like what me and my sisters do.  Strange, yes - as is my life occasionally.  Here is my dictionary of some of our homemade words. There are definitely more, trust me, and I will add them as I think of them.  Please feel free to comment with your homemade words, I won't steal them...I promise. :)

bacne - bac ne, n. Acne on one's back.  "Maybe I shouldn't wear this halter until my bacne clears up."

mandles - man duls, n. Sandles worn by a man.  "I saw Vinny on Main Street and he was sporting some serious mandles!" 

moob - moob, n. Man boob.  "Dude, you should really put those moobs away."

murse - murse, n. Man purse.  "My uncle rolls with a black leather  murse and he is proud of it."


  1. We say "supresent" which, of course, is a surpise present. We have lots of others too, but that one is one of my favorites.
