Monday, February 6, 2012

app happy. and freaking pinterest.

I have one very important question for you guys, and that is it!  That is all!  I will not ask any other questions because this question is kind of a big one.  OK fine.  The truth is, it's a two part question.

My two part question is, (a) who the hell started pinterest and (b) what is wrong with me that I can't seem to walk away from it?

Valid questions, right?

Because really, it's become my new addiction.  Along with Spotify and Scramble.  Spotify being a cool music app and scramble being an addictively fun word game app, obviously.  I am so app happy these days.  I really need to get a life.  Is there a twelve step program?  Please someone take away my iPhone/laptop.  No wait.  I was just joking.  Don't touch them.

Yeah so embarrassingly,  pinterest has sucked me in, and I lose time when I sit down and open it up.  In fact, while surrounded by a bunch of rowdy Super Bowl watching people chaotically being chaotic in my house last night, I happily whiled away the time perusing and pinning in my own little world, and basically only saw the most important parts of the game (the parts where everyone yelled and hooted at the TV).  And guess what?  I didn't even feel crazy about the chaos, which is so unlike me.  I think pinterest was like one huge dose of Paxil.  It was very relaxing.

Unaware of what pinterest is?  Never heard of it?  Well thank Cod for me!  I'll explain, suck you in with me help you become worldly and with it and in the know.  I'll help you become hip.  I'm very giving like that.  The simplest explanation is that it is an online "cork board" where you can pin things that interest you to share with other people.  Kind of like, an online version of clippings of things and recipes from magazines. Before pinterest, organized people filed them or tape them up on an inspiration board or something.  Or if you're anything like me, you'll clip them then leave them laying around in several messy piles that you swear you will organize but never do, making your husband lose his shit over it on an almost daily basis.

You know how I said it was relaxing to me? I have to point out that is was both relaxing and anxiety inducing.  Pretty much at the same time.  Equally.  I have to warn you that pinterest, while fun and inspiring (and a huge new time suck), it also sort of makes you feel like nothing you have or do compares.  Like, the gorgeous photos of gorgeous homes, perfect decor, amazing creative use of space, adorable crafts, yummy food and super awesomely cool clothes, etc etc kind of makes you feel like a loser.

Or.  It could inspire.  Those are the two sides of the scale.  INSPIRING vs. DISCOURAGING.  I guess you'll just have to see which it is for you.

Check it out if you haven't already and tell me what you think.  You may actually need an invitation to join - and if that's the case and you are interested, just let me know and I'll invite you!

Do I sound extra cheerful?  I think I am extra cheerful and I have no idea why.  Anyway, happy Monday!


  1. pinterest is an excellent new time suck. so inspiring and pretty and yet making everying in my own space look so drab by comparison.
    i like that if you find ideas on there, it's really easy to find them again. not like most other things i find online that i can never remember how to find again.

  2. I know nothing about pinterest yet. I guess it'll get me in the end, just like that idiotic twitter. I curse you twitter.
