Monday, August 1, 2011


Last Sunday, all six of us sleepily crammed into a ridiculously over packed minivan at four in the morning.  The kids immediately fell back to sleep because it was dark and quiet.  The routine was something they were all used to.

We were on our way to the Outer Banks for our favorite vacation of the year.

The plan was to meet my sister Ali and her family at the other end of town and head off from there - meeting up with my other two sisters somewhere on the Jersey Turnpike.

When we met up with Ali, she sprinkled our car with Holy Water.  Like she does every year.  Because she is a little freakish and nervous.  But hey, we always seem to make it to our destination safely, so I don't make too much fun of her. 

We followed each other for a few hours, the sun came up, the kids started stirring.  Soon enough Brooke asked if it was late enough to turn on the TV and watch a movie.  Meg asked for something breakfasty, and Alex cracked open his box of pop tarts.  Kara of course had her good noise cancelling headphones on, girl loves her sleep so she burrowed in under her blankets and just slept.

Looking back at my family made me smile.  My kids don't remember a time when we didn't take this trip.  Alex was just a year old when we started going to the Outer Banks.  Kara got bit by a crab there.  Megan had her first mouthful of sand there, and then a few years later learned to swim there.  Brooke made her first trip when she was just six days old.  A tiny newborn baby.  And I was on pain meds from the dumb c-section, terribly swollen feet and uncomfortable the whole ride.  But I wasn't missing it. 

Somewhere along the Jersey Turnpike, we hooked up with Jen and Indi and their families, and just drove.  Walkie Talkies came on as soon as we left the first rest area, and we all talked and told the same old inappropriate jokes the whole way there.  Indi's boyfriend Kevin and his two kids came along too, so the guys threw some scenarios at him during the ride down to see if he could keep up with the big dogs.  He passed the test.

Ten hours flew by with a super smooth ride and we finally got to our house.  My Dad had arrived first a few hours earlier, so the house was opened up and my stepmother had snacks out waiting for us.  All fourteen kids ran in with their bags and immediately started setting up their bedrooms, excited.  Happy to see each other, happy to be there.

The deck of cards came out to see who got first choice in rooms.  We each picked a card, highest got first choice.  I was second.  Ali was first.  Again.  One time Ali cried and stamped because she never got first.  I'm pretty sure she was hormonal and pregnant so she got a free pass.  However, we still make fun of her over it every year. 

Our room is really nice and faces the ocean.  Brooke sleeps in the closet.  Is that something I shouldn't exactly put out there?  She loves it though, we pile blankets and cushions in there, and it's like a little fort.

Ali and I made up a huge grocery list and headed out to the store while everyone else ordered a bunch of pizzas and hit the pool.

Day one ended with a couple of bottles of red circulating and lots of happy chatter.  It was the beginning of a great week.


  1. How fun to have your whole family together at the beach! Sounds great!

  2. Glad you're back! I've missed your posts! Sam sleeps in the closet too. We just did a family thing to Panama City Beach and I didn't think to snap a pic of him in the closet. Next trip! I need to question you sometime about where you stay in OBX. We're doing a family trip each year and were thinking of changing the venue each yr until we tire of it or find a place we can't resist. I still don't have my google blog whatever open for comments, but you can FB me! Lisa

  3. Hey!! I think I opened it! Hooray for me!
