Monday, July 26, 2010

welcome to my life

*disclaimer* I am officialy crossing into MOM BLOG territory with this post. proceed with caution.

Every day at least once a day I hear, "Mom, I just went poop!"

And then I pause for a second.  And hope she is just informing me for the heck of it.  And then if my husband is home I say "NOT IT!" and touch my nose to make it official.

And then I hear, "Can you come wipe me?"

And then I say, "You try it yourself this time."

And then she says, "But it's a gross one!"

And then I grumble, "Fine, I'm coming."

And the little slavedriver says, "I don't hear your footsteps!"

And I guess today I didn't respond quickly enough, because she added in a cutie little sing-songy voice, "My butt is waiting for you!"

Wanna come over and wipe some butts?


  1. HAHA...thanks goodness I can avoid that for the rest of my life. I think you should walk in the next time that happens wearing safety glasses rubber gloves, cotton stuffed in your nose and rubber boots :-)

  2. ...been there and done that already. The sweet little dears.


  3. I'm over from Forty Friday and had a good laugh over this one. My youngest is seven and wanted the old bum wipe for much longer than was necessary. So nice to have that duty crossed off my list. A fun post!
