Thursday, April 29, 2010


"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."  MLK Jr.

I do so love this quote.

If you know me at all, you know that certain quotes speak to me.  I don't go around actually quoting my favorite quotes like a weirdo, but I like to write them down and keep them close.  This, to me,  is one of those powerful quotes that just make me feel like the pit of my stomach is up in my throat.

What I love about this quote is its simple truth.  It's not flowery and flowy and long and poetic.  But it is strong and simple and true.

And being silenced or feeling silenced about things that mean something to me is just an awful feeling.  I truly believe that I would just eventually fold into myself and fade away if I wasn't able to be heard.

I will never let my children feel like they don't have a voice.   From as far back as I can remember, I have told my kids that they have every right in the world to speak their minds, as long as they do it respectfully.  I remember Kara at about 3 or 4, saying to me, "Mom, freedom of speech, it's in the Constitution!" when I admonished her about saying something.  And I thought to myself, "Well, there you have it."  It's true.

I do feel that we need to remind ourselves that our voice, however valid and important it is to us, is just one.  We can't just jam our thoughts and beliefs down other's throats.  Don't get me wrong, I love a good heated debate, but only as long as we remain respectful of the equal rights of other people's opinions.

Anyway, just wanted to share some written words that make me feel.

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