Thursday, July 7, 2011

wrap up

We had planned to immediately go to Connecticut when we got back from Denver.  Our flight got in at 8 and we were thinking we'd just shoot over, because that's where my sisters and kids were.

But then my luggage made a pit stop in North Carolina, and decided to stay.  Without me.  On the bright side, way better to happen on the way home than on the way there. 

So I had no product.  I can't stand not having my moisturizer.  And my hairbrush.  And my STUFF.  I definitely classify myself as low maintenance, I don't use much as far as makeup and that kind of stuff.  But I definitely need my moisturizer.  Anyway, we ended up going home because the airline promised to deliver the luggage in the morning.   It was actually good we went home, we slept in our bed and got a good night's sleep.  We got up early the next day and made it to CT before everyone was finished with their coffee.  I didn't feel like I missed too much.

I hate missing anything.

Alex missed pick up soccer with the guys, but he got over it.

Anyway, we lounged around for the rest of the holiday weekend.  Eating awesome BBQ food, watching the kids play in the pool all day, chit chatting and just hanging out.  It was perfect.  Sunday night we went out on the sound in one of John's boats to watch fireworks.  I love watching fireworks from the water -- so cool.

Haven't been boating since last year, so it felt good to be out there.  And John had an awesome boat for us to use - some Chris Craft fancy thing.  It was really comfy.

Also, big news, we met my sister Indi's new boyfriend!  He seemed like a really nice guy, and she seemed happy, which was good.  He brought his two kids over to swim, and they got along fine with our kids.  I kind of felt a little bad, because I do think we are a hard crew to join in to.  We have a lot of history as a group.  Obviously, my sisters and I have known each other forever, but we've known Ali's husband Ty since he was about 8 years old, and Jen's husband John since we met in college at 18.  Alex grew up in our town, so he knew my sisters and Ty forever too.  The guys all have a lot in common, and are really close.  Thinking of it like a new guy trying to join the pack makes me feel like, aww.  I just want the guys to be nice.  And they are, just, I hope they will be open to letting him "in."

Because eventually, we're going to have to.


  1. Looks like a blast! I have to let a new SIL in on Sept. 17. I hope I like this one---this is the brother that's on his 4th marriage. Good Lord.

  2. I bet they'll let him in soon enough! :) Looks like you all had a lovely time!

  3. What fun photos. I feel like I was on a vacation right along with you. That flip photo is soooo neat!
