Monday, July 11, 2011


Well, I am back to lists guys.  Lists are my favorite things, but not exactly as a blog post.  I mean, every so often a blog post list is fine, but not like, as an every day occurrence.  But being that I'm feeling a little distracted with summer-vacation-kids-home-omg-I-have-a-million-things-to-do-and-not-enough-popsicles, and being that I feel less than exciting out here these days, I'm going with it.

And not only am I posting a list, but I am copying Amber's idea for a list.  Because apparently, that's how I roll.  Just to clarify, I am copying her idea, not her list.  Because well, copying an actual post is not how I roll.  In fact, that kind of thing is just shameful and I'd never be a copycat like that.  However, some of the things on Amber's list could actually and potentially be on my list.  Just saying.

Are you like, "OMG, enough talking and get to the list already" yet?  Yeah, me too.

A Small List of Things That Bug Me  and I'm not even the least bit cranky!

1)  When, on day one of summer vacation, your child whines, "I'm bored!" at you.

2)  When your hose doesn't reach your garden and you have to lug a watering can back and forth a lot of times.

3)  Weeds. 

4)  When you go grocery shopping on a Monday and the shelves are bare of all the good stuff because all of the weekend grocery shoppers took everything and the stocker people haven't restocked yet.

5)  When your car looks dirty a day or two after the car wash.

6)  When customer service people are snotty.  Like, hello?  Do you not get what customer service is supposed to be??  Snotty customer service people clearly didn't read the job description. 

7)  When your Internet connection is being an asshole.  Right in the middle of something important. 

8)  People who use a public bathroom, then walk right past the sinks and don't even wash their hands!

9)  When someone says, I just have a quick half hour meeting, and three and a half hours later they are still at the half hour meeting.  And that same someone neglects to give you a little heads up my meeting went long courtesy call.

10) Junk email.  And really, does that method really even work?  Don't the junk emailers get the fact that nobody is going to click on your add to buy a penis enlargement contraption?  Or don't they get that we're smart enough (I hope) not to wire transfer $3000 to a miscellaneous bank in Nigeria?

11)  Stepping on gum in a parking lot.  Especially on a hot day.  How rude can you be?

12)  (Adult) People who wipe their noses on their sleeves.  Or worse, the back of their hand.

13)  Over packaged kids toys, or over packaged stuff in general.  I seriously don't get this concept at all.  I almost feel like the package designer guys want to make people crazy.

14)  When you go to a playground and too-big kids are on the equipment being obnoxious, making the little kids nervous, and making it hard for the little kids to actually  play.

15)  Text message speak.  Most of it irks me.  Like you really don't have enough time to type your instead of ur?   And no offense, but when an old person texts roflmao, it looks kind of cheesy.  I've gotten over lol, but only if you really did el oh el at something.  I mean, don't text lol if you only chuckled.  Or smiled.  That's dumb.  However, I admit that I fully use omg.  I can't help it.

And now, as I see I have reached 15 things that bug me in what was supposed to be a short list, I feel that I may have to stop now and possibly continue this list at a later date.  Because I can't not include low talkers, close talkers and people who text while you are in the middle of a conversation.  With them.  Actually, that last one definitely deserved to be in the list up there.  That's one of my biggest pet peeves.  Actually, the term pet peeve itself is annoying, don't you think?

Maybe on another day when I have no great idea for a post I will add to this list.  Like a to be continued.  Or even maybe a day when I am really cranky, I will do a to be continued.   I guess we'll have to wait and see.