Monday, May 23, 2011


Well, first of all -- WE MADE IT!  I'm not sure if I'd be celebrating having made it through the Rapture if it really did happen though.   Apparently that would mean that I don't get to go to heaven and that would be just plain mean.  But anyway, YAY! 

And secondly, today is my daughter Kara's birthday!  She's so old.  And she is now, officially a college graduate.  Woo hoo!

Crazy, I remember her first day of school...  heading off to Kindergarten on that big huge yellow bus, so little, so nervous, but so ready to start.

Seems like so long ago, but somehow also seems like just yesterday.

And then, all of those years later, in the blink of an eye, her first day of high school.   And before I knew it, she was graduating and heading off to college!  So nervous, so unsure, but ready to start.

How the heck did that happen so fast?

Saturday was a great day.  Couldn't have been more perfect.  I do wish her brother could have been there though, but everything went so smoothly, I honestly can't believe it's all over.  I have a college graduate.  That is awesome.

I can't wait to see where life takes my girl.


  1. She's beautiful! Congratulations to all of you!

  2. Well, I certainly hope it doesn't take her 20 hours away like it's doing to mine. LOL

    Congratulations to a beautiful graduate and a proud mom!

  3. Wow Jessee! You must be so proud! Congratulations to Kara and your whole family and, of course, happy birthday wishes to her. (I still can't figure out how to open my google for your replies so I haven't commented lately, but I'm with you reading each day!)

  4. Congrats Jessica, the pictures speak more than 1000 words. You did well.
