Monday, April 4, 2011

approximately 63,072,000 seconds. Or I could just say two years.

I just realized today marks my two year blogiversary.  

Woo hoo!

Two years ago, I got some strange notion that it would be a great idea to write about a bunch of the random things that frantically bounce around in my head.  And then I got the strange notion to publish what I wrote for all of the world to see.

It started out pretty lame and boring actually.  I was just feeling it out, figuring out what was right for me and testing the waters really tentatively.  I was not exactly sure how to approach blogging, what the rules were, how much to reveal... you know, the regular blog anxieties I guess.  But I knew that I liked to write, and I kept plodding along.  At an irregular pace.

Anyway, after a few false starts, I got myself into a routine, and eventually I think I sort of got it down.  I started to feel more comfortable with what I was putting out there.  It felt really nice when I got a few followers.  I guess it was validating in some way.  Like someone liked me, like someone was actually interested in something that I had to say.

So at the end of the day, I'm still digging this thing.  I'm still finding things to blog about and enjoying blogging about them with all of you (four) guys.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for sticking with me. Thank you for reading, for commenting, for making this thing worth doing.  I guess I'll keep coming around if you don't mind.  At least til we get sick of each other.


  1. Happy blogiversary! Glad I "met" you!

  2. It only took me two years to find you then!

  3. Happy Blogiverssary!!!

    I love all the stories of how people started blogging...and it's really neat...that almost all of us feel the same way at first...questioning..curious...unsure...but loving every minute!

  4. I very much enjoy your "random thoughts" and humor! Keep up the good work!
