We have no pets. Not even a goldfish. How sad is that?? I want a dog, but my boys have allergies. Cats are completely out of the question. Mostly because they are more allergic to cats than dogs, but also because they sort of freak me out. I am strongly considering getting a Labradoodle.
Day 28 - Something that stresses you out
Well, I would say that in general, I am not a very stressy person. I really don't stress about too much, except maybe I stress over certain anxieties. I hate feeling anxious. It kind of embarrasses me. I feel like it's a character flaw of mine and that is what stresses me about it.
I am guessing that one of the things that does stress me out is not unlike a lot of other people's stresses - money. I worry about how much it is going to cost to send my three younger kids to college.
You need to get a fish! I have three.... I'll give you one. We had to separate them because one was attacking the other ones - so he was moved to the "death tank". (I'm sure you are wondering about that, huh? Well, Carrie gave us a tank - for Violet - that she had gotten, but both the fish she got died. We got a full tank of little fish (about 8) for Violet, she went to he dads for a long weekend, and by the time she got back, they were all dead. Hence the name the "death tank"!)He has been there for awhile and is going strong! Really...you can have him - great fish :)