Monday, July 19, 2010

meet me monday thing

For Java over on, who is doing this Meet Me on Monday thing:

1. What is your favorite sandwich?
My favorite sandwich is one that my sister Ali made up, which I wish she would come over and make for me today because I am too lazy.  It is grilled or broiled chicken breast with melted Monterrey Jack cheese and roasted pepper on a nice mushy roll.  The key to this being the best sandwich ever though, is the secret sauce, which I will share with you, because I am nice like that: mayo mixed with Mrs. Dash.  Oh, my mouth might be watering...

2. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?
Oh gosh, lots of junk! Dust clumps, slippers, random magazines, and I am sure my husbands shoes and misc socks.  Lost toys for sure...

3. What is your favorite flower?
Well, I really love flowers, so it is pretty hard for me to narrow it down, but I would have to say anemones.

4. What is your favorite magazine?
Truth: People Magazine.  But I also highly enjoy Family Fun and Good Housekeeping, lots of others actually.

5. How often do you weigh yourself?
Oh yuck.  Every single day.  And I hope for some miraculous change that never really happens.

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