mous tache n. variant of mustache. an unshaven growth of hair on the upper lip. Whiskers. Face fungus.
ew. A face fungus among us.
I like when people say MOUS stache (like the moose), as opposed to MUS tache (like the mus). I find a good fake moustache particularly funny, and they always make me laugh. I especially enjoy randomly wearing them in the car when I go to pick my kids up from school.
Yesterday I was at the kitchen table and I glanced into the family room at this weird furry thing stuck randomly on the wall - "What is that weird furry thing stuck on the wall?" I asked my husband. Sure enough, after I got up and investigated, I found that it was in fact, a moustache. ANYWAY, that's what made me decide to post a few pics of my MOUSTACHIOED FAMILIO - we all definitely had some serious laughs over the course of a few days... wish I had even more pics. Next time for sure...
oh Brookie... comb your unruly 'stache!
Ali & the afro-prone T-bone, sporting his very own 'stache/beard - or bea-stache
always my funny girl in a suit ... the one and only Megster Moo
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